Burle Marx, Sitio

The deepest pleasure of the Rio visit was seeing the work of garden architect Roberto Burle Marx. This landscaping genius, who died in 1994 at age 85, is described by garden writer Sima Eliovson as having "the greatest single influence on gardens since the development of the English garden tradition in the 18th century." In 1965, the American Institute of Architects in Washington designated him "the real creator of the modern garden," and The Kentucky Botanic Gardens in 1985 proclaimed him "the world's greatest living landscape architect; his gardens famous for their rhythm, texture and imagination."

In 1949 he acquired an estate the 365,000m2 estate Barra de Guaratiba (just outside of Rio de Janeiro) to house his growing collection of plants. This property was donated to the Brazilian government in 1985 and became a national monument.

Now called Sítio Roberto Burle Marx, under the direction of IPHAN-Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional / Ministério da Cultura, it houses over 3,500 species of plants. The house was rebuilt in an valley opening on the site of a garden house belonging to the original plantation estate. Location: 2019 Barra de Guaratiba Road – Barra de Guaratiba Everyday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
