Cristalino Jungle Lodge

The Cristalino Jungle Lodge is committed to helping visitors have a wonderful experience in the forest while learning about the environment and its importance for our daily lives.

The lodge has a friendly restaurant with bar serving delicious regional dishes and appetizers including the famous Caipirinha.
For special nights there is a thatch roof patio where candlelight dinners are served. A common living room is used for presentations and meetings, having a small but carefully selected library.

A floating deck with 144 sq mt (1,550 sq) feet above the river is great for swimming and resting on your free time. Canoes & inflatable boats are available at any moment.

The lodge also keeps a rustic Screened Tree House in the forest which is used for spotting tapirs and peccaries.

For the adventurers there is a station with Rope Bridge and Rappelling-Down (booking required).